Managementul proprietății este procesul de gestionare și întreținere a proprietăților imobiliare în numele proprietarului sau al proprietarului. 

Iată câteva aspecte cheie ale managementului proprietății:

  1. Colectarea chiriilor: Una dintre principalele responsabilități ale unui manager de proprietate este de a colecta chiria de la chiriași și de a se asigura că toate plățile sunt efectuate la timp.
  2. Gestionarea chiriașilor: Managerii de proprietăți sunt responsabili pentru verificarea și selectarea chiriașilor, gestionarea contractelor de închiriere, gestionarea reclamațiilor chiriașilor și coordonarea reparațiilor sau întreținerii.
  3. Întreținerea proprietății: Administratorii de proprietăți sunt responsabili pentru a se asigura că proprietatea este bine întreținută și păstrată în stare bună. Aceasta include inspecții regulate, reparații și curățare.
  4. Managementul financiar: Managerii de proprietate sunt responsabili pentru menținerea înregistrărilor financiare, pregătirea bugetelor și plata facturilor și impozitelor în numele proprietarului proprietății.
  5. Marketing și publicitate: Managerii de proprietate sunt responsabili pentru publicitatea unităților vacante, pentru prezentarea proprietății potențialilor chiriași și pentru negocierea contractelor de închiriere.
  6. Conformitate juridică: Administratorii de proprietăți trebuie să respecte toate legile și reglementările relevante legate de gestionarea proprietății, cum ar fi legile privind locuințele și reglementările privind sănătatea și siguranța.

Prin angajarea unui manager de proprietate, proprietarii de proprietate se pot asigura că proprietățile lor sunt bine întreținute, chiriașii sunt gestionate în mod corespunzător și toate obligațiile financiare și legale sunt îndeplinite.


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Users are encouraged to read this privacy policy carefully before using this website or submitting any personal information. By using the website, users are accepting the practices described in this privacy policy, which may be changed, but any changes will be posted. Cookies Their main function is the interaction of the users’ browser data with our website. Depending on their duration, cookies are either temporary (session cookies) or persistent cookies. Temporary cookies are cookies that are automatically deleted when you close your browser, while persistent cookies remain stored on your device until their predetermined period of validity is reached. Cookie and tracking technology are useful for gathering information such as browser type and operating system, tracking the number of visitors to the website, and understanding how visitors use the website. Cookies can also help customize the website for visitors. Personal information cannot be collected through cookies and other tracking technology, however, if you previously provided personally identifiable information, cookies may be tied to such information. Aggregate cookie and tracking information may be shared with third parties. Collection of information By using this website, users agree to provide consent to our collection, use and sharing of their personal information as described. Personal Information is defined as any information that identifies to a particular individual, such as the individual’s name, postal address, email address, mobile number and any other identifier indicating to that particular person. This information they provide, is only used to fulfill their specific request, unless they give us permission to use it in another manner. Distribution of information The company may transfer the users’ personal data to third countries outside the EU if: - An adequate level of protection in accordance with the European Commission is ensured by the third country or - Appropriate guarantees have been provided for the processing of the data by the recipient, in accordance with the law. If none of the above conditions apply, a transfer may take place if: - Users have provided our company with their express consent to this or - The transfer is necessary for the performance of their contract with our company, such as the execution of their instructions. - The transmission is necessary for the establishment or exercise of legal claims or the defence of our rights. Children’s Privacy The company is not intentionally designed for or directed at persons less than 18 years of age and does not knowingly permit any person who is under 18 years of age to register with the services or to provide any other personally identifying information. However, we consider it the responsibility of parents to monitor their children’s use of our services. Nevertheless, if the company becomes aware that any personally identifiable information of persons less than 18 years of age has been collected without verified parental consent, then the company will take the appropriate steps to delete any such information and notify the parent. Duration of information storage We retain the information which we have collected no longer than is necessary. This is determined on a case by case basis. We will delete your information whenever you request us to do so. However, we may archive and/or retain some information for legal purposes. Users’ rights under the DGPR Right of access by the data subject (art. 15), right to rectification (art. 16), right to erasure (art. 17), right to restriction of processing (art. 18), right to data portability (art. 20), right to object (art. 21), right to termination. Applicable law For any legal dispute arising regarding the application or interpretation of the above terms, the applicable law shall be Greek law. The competent courts are the courts in the district where the property is located.
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